Winter Edition, Volume 2, Issue 4: Someone You Should Know



James Willis is a native of Oklahoma City. Music is notforeign to him. He was born with a melodic intrinsiccomponent. His musical heritage is grounded in therich traditional roots of the church. Willis has beensinging since he was six years old. His teacher andchoir director at Bethel COGIC, was Jessie Mae RefroSapp, a major gospel recording artist in the 1950sand 1960s. When he was eight years old God giftedhim with the skills to play the drums, cello, violinand guitar. 


His singing, composing and producing music for over 35years and has traveled across this country spreadingthe good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.His repertoire is well-documented and his performancesdemonstrate his enormous musicality andexpressiveness with musical proficiency. Willis isan accomplished musician, songwriter, producer,artist and preacher who has worked with an “A” Listof some of the greatest legendary artists in the worldof gospel music. He has also performed over a numbersof years, as a featured artist for the Gospel MusicWorkshop of America.Willis has been blessed to write and record over80 songs in the gospel music industry. Songs like“I Have Decided,” “Jesus Never Fails,” “Great Day,”“I Can’t Wait,” “When JesusTouched Me,” “This Joy,” just toname a few that have been sungacross the country. His song, “IHave Decided” is featured on theAME International Choir projectrecorded live in 2014 in Chicago,which won the Rhythm of GospelAward for Best CD project andBest Choir Music in July 2015.He released his fourth CD entitled“I’ll Praise Him LIVE” along witha music video in which he was theFeatured Artist. The debut singleof the same name charted on theNielsen/BDS Gospel Charts in July2015 and is still climbing.





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